Bird Netting. Why Need Bird Netting Service

Manzil Pest Control Pvt Ltd Bird Netting. Why Need Bird Netting Service Q. How can we Stop Bird / Pigeon Menace ? Ans . Bird Menace has increased a lot and there are different options available depending upon the Requirement and Application Areas such as Anti Bird Net, Bird Spikes etc. Q . How to Stop Birds landing on Balcony ? Ans . Birds Specially Pigeons love the Balcony of Homes in High Rise Buildings. There are lots of options available to Stop the entry of Pigeons. Putting Physical Barriers is Best Options. Physical Barriers like Bird Protection Net, Bird Spike etc. Bird Net will Stop Entry of Pigeons landing on Balcony. Putting Bird Spike will Stop Perching of Birds in desired space like Parapet wall, Ledges , AC, Railings etc. Q. What types of mesh (aperture) patterns are there? Ans . There are two types of meshes available in Bird netting: Diamond shaped meshes. The size of a diamond shape mesh is measured along the length of one side of the diamond and expres...